Here I stand

Abigail Olmo Martínez
Departamento de Literatura Comparada 
Facultad de Humanidades, UPR RP 

Recibido: 27/02/2024; Revisado: 21/05/2024; Aceptado: 28/05/2024

Here I stand Father, 
A golden idol for all to behold, 
Your glory shining through me, 
Of my own form none I do hold. 

 I salute you Mother, 
Of your flames still I bear scars, 
Burned by your heavy berating, 
Die had I to touch your stars.  

The voices cry in heavy tears, 
Shadows ruled by foreign fears. 
My one utterance splits the flood, 
Vivid red through such black blood:  

Here I stand Father, 
Of my own sail I stare and behold, 
In me your tales a spark did light, 
A unique form I proudly do hold.  

I salute you Mother, 
Learn did I from your old scars, 
Warmed by your embrace I strived, 
Climbing high to reach my stars. 

 Broken childhoods grown on tears, 
Will forever be haunted with fears.   

A loving ark kept me from the flood, 
Nurtured, not beaten by my own blood. 

Posted on May 30, 2024 .