Why I Am Not a Scientist

Caroline Tremblay Resto 
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas 
Facultad de Humanidades, UPR RP 

Recibido: 29/01/2024; Revisado: 17/05/2024; Aceptado: 28/05/2024 

Why I’m not a scientist  

I am a scientist  
I am a scientist 
I always had been  
I always will be 
I always continue to be 
A scientist  

I am an actor 
I am not an actor 
I was an actor 
I will no longer be an actor 
Not a foot on a stage will I place again 

I was a lawyer 
I wanted to be a lawyer 
I will never become a lawyer 
I will not follow it 
The law 
It is not for me 

I am a singer 
I always wished to be a singer  
To sing is to cry 
To sing is to never be good enough  
Still, I will always be a singer  

Can I dance? 
I will never be a dancer. 

I am a musician  
I like being a musician  
I may be a small musician  
I will always like being a musician  

“You are a writer” 

Am I a writer? 


“Yes. You are a writer” 

I don’t want to be a writer  

I am not a writer  

I don’t care for writing  

Writing is not for me 

The words that leave the ink of the pen are not mine 
The ink of the pen that write the words are not my own 
The paper that eats the words written by a pen that puke out words that I do not own, is not my soul 

I do not like the words on the paper because I am not a writer 
The written is a concoction  
A construction of ridiculous structures  
A noun and a verb and a phrase  
And I am not a writer  

I don’t like reading  
I don’t like grammar 
I have never been a writer  
I will never be a writer  
I am a scientist  

I experiment  
I search 
I create 
I build 
I reconstruct 
I destroy  
I kill 
I bring to life 
And I… 
I am not… 

I am a scientist  
The same way  
I am a writer   

Because I create words and worlds 
I destroy and create  
I am not a scientist 

Posted on May 30, 2024 .